District Representative (DR) – The DR chairs District meetings, keeps in touch with Group Representatives (GR), attends meetings within District 4 (whenever possible), attends NCWSA Assemblies, and acts as a resource for groups in their District. Contact this person if you would like information about the District meeting, service opportunities beyond the group level, or if you would like to start a meeting in District 4.  The DR must have held the position of GR for at least two years, whether in the past or on a current basis.  Email: Alanon.Info.Dist4@gmail.com 
District Treasurer – The District Treasurer serves as a trusted servant by maintaining an accurate budget, recording and making bank deposits, paying District bills & writing checks, reconciling bank statements, submitting financial reports to the District at regular intervals, and other financial duties as required. Contact the Treasurer if you have questions about making a donation to District 4 or if you have questions about District 4’s finances. Email: Alanon.Info.Dist4@gmail.com 
District Secretary – The District Secretary attends, records, types, and distributes minutes from each District meeting.  In addition, she may handle District correspondence, and also keeps an up-to-date list of members and their phone numbers, among other things.   Email: Alanon.Info.Dist4@gmail.com 
Literature Coordinator – District 4’s Literature Coordinator is a vital link in Al-Anon/Alateen service, carrying the message of recovery and unity through Al-Anon/Alateen Conference Approved Literature (CAL) to groups and members.   Literature Coordinator is familiar with Al-Anon/Alateen literature and acts as a resource.  
Alateen Process Person – Coordinates the necessary activities and paperwork to certify qualified Al-Anon members as “Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service.”  Contact this person if you would like to be an Alateen sponsor or help with outreach to teenagers.  Alateen Coordinators are required to be certified as an AMIAS and may serve as sponsors, chaperones, and drivers for teens.  Email: Alanon.Info.Dist4@gmail.com
Alateen Coordinator – Uses the Al-Anon principles to work closely with the Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP) and assist Alateen sponsors, coordinators and Alateen with growing Alateen and addressing problems or concerns arising in groups and districts. The Alateen Coordinator uses CAL literature, Bylaws, WSO Service manual, WSO Guidelines, NCWSC Alateen Safety Guideline B-17 and NCWSC Binder when working with others.    Email: Alanon.Info.Dist4@gmail.com
Public Information/CPC Coordinator –  The Public Outreach Coordinator orders literature and supervises the distribution of literature in public places, to professionals, and institutions. The Coordinator also facilitates cooperation with the professional community by informing professionals about Al-Anon/Alateen recovery. Contact this person for information on how to carry the Al-Anon message.   Email: Alanon.Info.Dist4@gmail.com
Telecommunications Coordinator –  This Coordinator provides a valuable service by taking telephone calls from citizens seeking information about Al-Anon/Alateen. In addition, this Coordinator provides guidance and support to a team of members who also take calls. Contact this person if you would like to volunteer to be on the answering service call list.  Email: Alanon.Info.Dist4@gmail.com 
Group Records Coordinator – Keeping group information up-to-date is vital to make certain accurate meeting information is provided to people seeking help from Al-Anon/Alateen. The Coordinator maintains a database on each group in the District, keeps the meeting list current, distributes the updated lists, and assists with changes to group records.   Email:  ginar.alanon@gmail.com 
Newsletter Editor – The Newsletter Editor collects sharings from members, announcements, etc., and publishes a Newsletter. Contact this person if you would like to submit a share or would like more information about the District Newsletter.   Email: Alanon.Info.Dist4@gmail.com 
Website Coordinator – The Website Coordinator is in charge of updating information on the website.  Access to a computer is essential and familiarity with the Internet is helpful.  Contact this person to submit information for posting (such as links or flyers for events) or to report technical issues. If you would like to be a part of the website team, please let us know. Email: Alanon.Info.Dist4@gmail.com
